ESG Statement from the Board of Directors

Holding onto the belief of "value creating and sharing, contributing to harmonious development for all", FEHORIZON continuously innovates and develops integrated industrial operation services, while being fully devoted to shouldering the five social responsibilities, namely, investor responsibility, customer responsibility, employee responsibility, environmental responsibility, and public welfare responsibility. We’re committed to promoting healthy, sustainable, stable and harmonious development of the manufacturing economy and the whole society, and creating values for all stakeholders.


  • Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
  • Sustainable Finance
  • Environmental Management
  • Suppliers Sustainable Management
  • Cleantech Opportunities

Community and Public

  • Healthcare Accessibility
  • Public Charity and Volunteerism
  • Rural Revitalization


  • Employee Rights and Benefits Protection
  • Human Capital Development
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Work Safety
  • Medical Safety
  • Campus Security

Government and Regulatory Agencies

  • Compliance
  • Business Ethic
  • Supporting Real Industries
  • Rural revitalization


  • Compliance
  • Business Ethic
  • Suppliers Sustainable Management


  • Economic Performance
  • Compliance
  • Corporate Governance
  • Business Ethics
  • Risk and Crisis Management


  • Privacy and Data Security
  • Fintech
  • Supporting Real Industry
  • Financing Accessibility
  • Customer Service and Satisfaction
  • Responsible Marketing
  • Quality of Construction and Facilities
  • Quality of Healthcare
  • Quality of Education

ESG History

The Sustainable development in FEHORIZON has evolved from simple Public Charity to corporate social responsibility (CSR) stage, now to the era of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) stage, and has gradually stepped into a new journey of sustainable business ......

  • 2012
    Public Charity Stage
  • 2013-2017
    CSR Stage
  • 2018-2023
    ESG Stage
  • 2024
    Sustainable Business Stages

Main events

Internal welfare:Improved staff training and promotion mechanism

Public Welfare Activities: Carried out public welfare and charity, and established the Horizon Charity Foundation


In 2012, established the Horizon Charity Foundation to carry out continuous public welfare programs in the areas of scholarships, scholarships, and poverty alleviation

Main events

Regulatory and Brand Orientation: Issued report continuously Since 2013

System construction: Enhance Human resources, HSE, information security and other functions to form systematic management


In 2014, issued first social responsibility report, 2013 Far East Horizon Social Responsibility Report
In 2017, was selected as FTSE4Good Index Series for the first time

Main events

Rating Orientation: Enhanced disclosure to improve ESG ratings

Enhanced governance: Establishment of ESG Committee under the Board of Directors and ESG Task Force under management of the company

Carbon Neutral Goal: Commitment to 2050 value chain carbon neutrality

Green finance: Issued green and sustainable financial products


In 2018, the new building, FEHORIZON Plaza, was officially started using and honored with LEED Gold Certification, 2-star Green Building Design Label and Shanghai Green Building Contribution Award
In 2019, received $150 million loan from the Asian Development Bank to drive improvements in healthcare access for China's rural population
In 2021, the Environmental, Social and Governance Committee (ESG Committee) was formally established under the Board of Directors to coordinate and promote ESG-related work; first participation in CDP rating
In 2022, formally released net zero target, striving to achieve peak carbon by 2025 and working to achieve carbon neutrality across the value chain by 2050; MSCI ESG rating upgraded to A
In 2023, formally became TCFD (Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure, or TCFD) supporter; filled out the Dow Jones S&P CSA questionnaire for the first time, with a score of 38

Main events

Strategic Planning: Integrated ESG into the company's development strategy

Value orientation: ESG practices in terms of operational value, financing value, employee value, social value, and environmental value

ESG Rating

MSCI ESG Rating A级
S&P Global ESG Score 40分
CDP Score B-级
Selected as FTSE4Good Index
Series for a number of years.


Certified LEED Gold Building

MOODY Far East Horizon Limited
The Sustainable Development Financing Framework was awarded an "Excellent" rating by Moody's for SQS2

Tianjin Foreign Investment Association
"Advanced Foreign Investment Enterprise"

CCM CSR Promotion Center Chief Sustainable Development Officer
Excellent cases of "520 Social Responsibility Day"

BritCham Shanghai Far East Horizon Limited
Net-zero Leadership Award FINALIST

Material Topics Identification and Analysis

Material Topics Analysis Process

Interpret national policies and industry hotspots, sort out domestic and international ESG disclosure standards and ESG rating agencies' focuses, identify company impacts in combination with stakeholder and expert communications, and form our Material topics pool.
By continuously communicating with stakeholders and internal & external experts in daily activities, we assess the impact of topics in light of the actual operation of the company, and carry out targeted management of topics.
By communicating with internal and external experts, taking into account the focus of authoritative domestic and international ESG rating agencies and other important information users, we identify and rank the topics of report in terms of importance to stakeholders and importance to the company.
Construct material topics matrix based on the results of the topic ranking, the matrix will be reviewed by the Company's Board of Directors, and focused disclosure on high materiality topics in the report.

Materiality Matrix

Importance to Economic, Environmental and Social

  • Public Charity and Volunteerism Customer Service and Satisfaction Responsible Marketing

  • Human Capital Development Rural Revitalization Fintech Environmental Management Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Privacy and Data Security Financing Accessibility Sustainable Finance Cleantech Opportunities Healthcare Accessibility

  • Compliance Risk and Crisis Management Business Ethics Supporting Real Industry Quality of Construction and Facilities Production Safety Quality of Healthcare Medical Safety Quality of Education Campus Security Occupational Health and Safety

    Economic Performance Corporate Governance Employee Rights and Benefits Protection Suppliers Sustainable Management

Importance to FEHORIZON 's Finances

Characteristic topics in Finance

Characteristic topics in Construction

Characteristic topics in Healthcare

Characteristic topics in Education

2023 ESG Performance

  • Economic Performance
  • Environmental Performance
  • Social Performance
  • Index
  • Unit
  • 2023
  • Total assets


    351.483 billion

  • Earnings Before Interest and Taxes


    10,425 million

  • Basic earnings per share



  • Total tax payments


    5.145 billion

  • Index
  • Unit
  • Target
  • 2023
  • Completion status
  • GHS emissions
    (Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3)

    tons of CO₂ equivalent

    Towards full value chain carbon neutrality by 2050



  • Greenhouse gas emissions intensity per unit of revenue (Scope 1 and Scope 2)

    tons of CO₂ equivalent/ million yuan

    4% decrease in 2023 from base year (2021)


    35.71% decrease from base year

  • Energy consumption per unit of revenue

    MWh/million yuan

    25% decrease in 2030 from base year (2021)


    32.47% decrease from 2022

  • Water consumption per unit of revenue

    m³/million yuan

    25% decrease in 2030 from base year (2021)


    11.43% decrease from 2022

  • Index
  • Unit
  • 2023
  • Total number of employees



  • Male employees



  • Female employees



  • Average training time of financial sector



  • Average training time of industrial sector



  • Social welfare investment



  • Volunteer activity hours



  • Number of directly benefited from rural revitalization



Aligning with SDGs
  • SDGs
  • Our Actions
  • SDGs
  • Our Actions

Launched the Horizon “Volunteer Core” Empowerment Training Program to support outstanding rural child companions.

Launched the Disabled Skills Training Program to help the disabled overcome obstacles in their life and realize their self-worth.

HCHORIZON's Subordinate hospitals organize free clinics to provide medical assistance to people in remote areas with inadequate medical conditions or difficulties in accessing healthcare.

Provided employees with a one-stop protection service program for the entire life cycle and EAP consulting services for mental health.

Developed the Horizon “Medical Pass” medical aid program.

CDHORIZON carried out HSE risk control, formulates work instructions for high-risk work processes, carry out policy promotion, on-site inspection & verification, and problem correction for frontline workers.

HCHORIZON carried out the “Hundred Counties Program” to help counties achieve “two rises and one fall” through the “medical + hospital” model.

Ongoing Horizon Scholarship Program.

Ongoing educational revitalization projects such as the “Remote Star” school support and teaching activities.

Horizon Education has helped nearly 1,000 graduates enter the world's top universities.

Formulated and implemented Employee Handbook to strictly eliminate all discriminatory behaviors caused by gender, ethnicity, nationality, religious beliefs, family, disability and other factors.

Replacement of solar-powered street lamps at the CDHORIZON base, adoption of solar-powered hot water system for hot water in wash basins, and adoption of ground-source heat pump air-conditioning system at the Jiading and Wuqing bases.

CDHORIZON aerial work trucks adopt “fuel to electricity” technology.

More than 600 employees recruited through social recruitment, with a wide distribution of talent sources.29 vacant positions recruited through competition by internal candidates.

Cumulatively invested more than RMB 100 billion in real economy. Served more than 30,000 customers.

Formulated and implemented Employee Handbook to strictly eliminate all discriminatory behaviors caused by gender, ethnicity, nationality, religious beliefs, family, disability and other factors.

Participated in the investment and construction of Suzhou EOD project & new energy photovoltaic project.Energy-saving renovation projects for existing residential buildings and other projects.

Set targets for energy, water and waste management. regularly tracking their achievement and actively implementing measures for energy and water conservation and waste reduction.

Lifecycle management of equipment quality.

Defined our “dual carbon” target, with 2021 as the base year, striving to achieve carbon peaking by 2025 and carbon neutrality in the entire value chain by 2050.

Conducted climate scenario analysis.

Fully integrate the concept of sustainable development into the corporate governance system and establish a top-down ESG governance structure.

Strengthen anti-corruption mechanisms to prevent the risk of embezzlement and corruption.