
FEHORIZON establishes procedures and selection principles for the election and appointment of directors in accordance with the Articles of Association of Far East Horizon, the Director Nomination Policy, and the Working Rules of the Environmental, Social and Governance Committee of the Board of Directors, among other relevant systems. We emphasize the diversity and professionalism of Board of Directors and comprehensively take into account the gender, age, ethnic nationality, cultural and educational background, professional experience, skills, term of service, etc. of candidates when electing a Board of Directors member, to make sure that the Board of Directors has balanced and diversified skills,experiences and views.  

ESG Governance Framework

Board of Directors

ESG Committee under the Board of Directors

ESG Task Force

Board of Directors

Assesses and defines the Group’s ESG-related risks and opportunities;

Approves information to be disclosed including ESG guidelines, strategies, priorities, objectives and ESG reports;Supervises the building of ESG risk management and internal monitoring systems.

ESG Committee under the Board of Directors

Guides, reviews, and formulates ESG management guidelines, strategies, principles, and vision;

Oversees the formulation and implementation of ESG objectives and gives suggestions on actions required to achieve such objectives;

Monitors external ESG trends and reports to the Board of Directors on significant trends affecting the Group’s ESG guidelines and strategies and the setting of objectives;

Guides and reviews the identification and priority ranking of key ESG issues for the Group;

Reviews ESG Reports and other-related disclosures and gives suggestions to the Board of Directors for approval;

Identifies ESG risks and opportunities relating to the Group, assesses the impacts of such risks or opportunities on the Company, and gives suggestions to the Board of Directors on how to respond to such risks or opportunities;

Other responsibilities delegated by the Board of Directors.

ESG Task Force

Proposes and recommends ESG guidelines and practices for the Group, and follows up on ESG performance;

Identifies ESG risks and comprehensively implements the Company’s ESG actions;

Prepares annual ESG reports.

Anti-corruption and Business Ethics

FEHORIZON attach great importance to and are making solid progress in anti- corruption. we strictly abide by the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Anti-unfair Competition Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Internal Audit Regulations of the People’s Republic of China, the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance of Hong Kong, and other pertinent laws and regulations, we also formulated a set of documents, including the Rules on Anti-fraud of Far East Horizon Limited and the Employees Professional Ethics Code of Far East Horizon Limited, issued the Anti-corruption Management Statement of Far East Horizon Limited, and continuously strengthened anti-corruption mechanism building to effectively prevent corruption risks.

Board of Directors

Is responsible for the effectiveness of anti-corruption management;

Instructs the Management to build an anti-corruption culture and environment in the Company and establish and improve the internal control system to prevent risks including corruption risks.


Establishes, improves and effectively implements internal control and prevents, detects and corrects corruption;

Assesses corruption risks and establishes specific control procedures and mechanisms;

Specifies permanent establishments for anti-corruption.

Internal Audit Department

Assists the Management in building a case-based corruption prevention management system and an accountability mechanism;

Carries out anti-corruption awareness-raising programs;

Receives and investigates internal and external corruption tip-offs, and issues relevant reports and handling opinions.