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Launching Ceremony of Fehorizon’s Cataract Surgeries Program “Bright Eyes for the Future” Took Place in Hong Kong
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In the afternoon of March 2, the Quarry Bay Community Hall in the Eastern District of Hong Kong was livened up with caring people from various circles of Hong Kong and over 100 neighborhood folks. Together, they witnessed the launching ceremony of Fehorizon’s “Bright Eyes for the Future” program to subsidize cataract surgeries.


Fehorizon’s Executive Director and Senior Vice President Mr. Cao Jian attended the ceremony and delivered a speech, and Vice President Mr. Wang Ruisheng was also present at the ceremony. Other attendees include Mr. Leung Hei (member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong), Ms. Tsang Yim-ting (Social Work Officer of the Social Welfare Department), Mr. Chow Wah-tat (Service Director of the YWCA), Dr. Jacky Yau (Partner of the C-MER Eye Center), and Mr. Ting Kong-ho (member of the Eastern District Council and Chairman of the Quarry Bay Building Joint Committee).


According to plan, Fehorizon and its management representatives will donate HKD $250,000 to provide all-free cataract surgeries for the elderly who need help in the Eastern District of Hong Kong.


▲ Mr. Ting Kong-ho (right) presented a certificate of gratitude to Mr. Cao Jian

▲ Mr. Ting Kong-ho (right) presented a certificate of gratitude to Mr. Wang Ruisheng


At the launching ceremony, member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong Mr. Leung Hei expressed great appreciation and gratitude for the loving donation of Fehorizon in his speech. Mr. Leung mentioned that, since the current SAR government took office, a series of initiates have been launched to improve healthcare and support the disadvantaged groups, e.g. the Cataract Surgeries Program of the Hospital Authority provides certain allowance for the elderly receiving cataract surgeries at private clinics, but the elderly are still responsible for part of the expenses. This time, the charitable donation made by Fehorizon enables the elderly to receive completely free cataract surgeries. It sets a great example of enterprises giving back to the society and demonstrates Fehorizon’s attitude and demeanor.


▲ Member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong Mr. Leung Hei made a speech


Ms. Tsang Yim-ting, Social Work Officer of the Social Welfare Department, said in her speech that with the advancement of population aging in Hong Kong, increasingly more elderly people now require relevant services. By the end of last December, the number of patients queuing for cataract surgeries at public hospitals of Hong Kong has exceeded 67,000, and the average queuing time is about 11-12 months. Ms. Tsang Yim-ting paid respect to and thanked Fehorizon for its kindness and philanthropic act. With the Company’s donation, the elder population needing help can now receive timely treatment at private medical institutions and improve their life quality earlier.


▲ Social Work Officer of the Social Welfare Department Ms. Tsang Yim-ting made a speech


As a conglomerate registered and listed in Hong Kong, Fehorizon has always been concerned with the needs of disadvantaged groups. Through this program, it hopes to help more cataract patients to restore eyesight, feel the happiness of life, and live with more dignity.


▲ Fehorizon’s Executive Director and Senior Vice President Mr. Cao Jian made a speech


In his speech, Fehorizon’s Executive Director and Senior Vice President Mr. Cao Jian expressed sincere thanks to those from various circles of Hong Kong who cared about and supported this program. He said: “This charitable donation is not only a concrete action taken by Fehorizon to fulfil its social responsibility, but furthermore a vivid interpretation of our patriotism and sense of duty as a Hong Kong-invested enterprise rooted in Hong Kong and loving both Hong Kong and China.” It is our hope that through Fehorizon’s participation in Hong Kong’s social and public welfare undertakings, it can strengthen the connections among various circles of the Hong Kong, pass on the warmth of love and light up hopes with kindness, so that more patients can see the blossoming flowers in a warm spring.


According to Mr. Ting Kong-ho, member of the Eastern District Council and Chairman of the Quarry Bay Building Joint Committee, in the local community a lot of elderly people suffering from cataract had to wait three to four years to receive surgical treatment at public hospitals; their life quality was greatly impaired, and they were in urgent need of help from the society. Sincerely, Mr. Ting thanked Fehorizon for its whole-hearted support for this charity program, which not only benefits the elderly population within the community, but also explores an innovative mode of cooperation on Hong Kong’s charity and social welfare undertakings. It is hoped that more enterprises can join Fehorizon to inject positive energy into the community and pass on love.


▲ Member of the Eastern District Council and Chairman of the Quarry Bay Building Joint Committee Mr. Ting Kong-ho made a speech


At the ceremony, Ms. Wu, an old lady in her 80s, shared how she was troubled by cataract in the right eye in her daily life. She was extremely grateful for Fehorizon’s donation in the “Bright Eyes for the Future” program, and indicated that opportunities like this are few and far between—she would certainty apply and hopes to be treated soon.


After the launching ceremony, the local agency responsible for implementation distributed program rules and application forms to over a hundred citizens of the Eastern District who were present, to spread love to every corner of the community. 


Benevolent Person Loves Others; Great Love Knows No Bounds


Fehorizon has always been promoting the healthy, sustainable, stable and harmonious development of the society with practical actions. Over the years, through commonweal activities such as “scholarship and assistantship,” “rural revitalization and poverty alleviation,” “healthcare and emergency rescue” and “volunteer services,” it has provided financial support in over 40 million yuan, from which more than 100,000 people have benefited directly.


In the future, Fehorizon will continue to insist on “creating shared value and promoting harmonious development,” actively fulfill its corporate social responsibilities and make donations to those in need, hoping to arouse a sense of social responsibility and compassion among more people and together build an even more harmonious and loving society.


Other personnel of Fehorizon participating in this event are: Mr. Li Yuyou and Mr.  Yang Siyu (Co-GM of the Administration Center), Mr. Zhang Quanquan (General Manager of Investor Relations Department and Head of Administrative Affairs of the Hong Kong office), relevant personnel of the Administration Center and those in charge of business in Hong Kong.