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Two Delegations from Henan Visited Fehorizon Respectively to Discuss Opportunities for Future Cooperation
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On February 28, a business event named “Spring Tea for Entrepreneurs of Henan and Hong Kong” took place in Hong Kong, and Fehorizon attended upon invitation as a main guest. This event was sponsored by the Provincial Government of Henan. Mr. Chen Guoji (Chief Secretary for Administration of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region) and Mr. Zhang Min (Deputy Governor of Henan Province) attended the event and made speeches. Other attendances of the event include delegations of LOCPG HK, relevant departments of the Henan Government and the Government of Zhengzhou City, representatives of key enterprises, and representatives from the political and business circles of Hong Kong. Vice President of Fehorizon Mr. Zhan Jing attended the event on behalf of the Company, along with Mr. Wang Zejun, General Manager of Public Utilities Department I. During the event, Vice President Mr. Zhan communicated with government leaders including Deputy Governor of Henan Province Mr. Zhang Min and Deputy Mayor of Zhengzhou City Mr. Ma Zhifeng. Based on the profound foundation of cooperation between Fehorizon and Henan as well as the marketized, internationalized and specialized services and global resource advantages of Fehorizon, together they looked into the broad prospect for cooperation in finance and industry, and further consolidated the foundation for comprehensive and deepened cooperation between Fehorizon and Henan.


During the same period, the delegations of the Zhengzhou Government and the Luohe Government were respectively received at the Hong Kong headquarters of Fehorizon by Vice President Mr. Zhan, along with Mr. Wang Zejun (General Manager of Public Utilities Department I), Mr. Zhang Quanquan (General Manager of Investor Relations Department and Head of Administrative Affairs of the Hong Kong office) and relevant personnel from Overseas Business Department, Fehorizon AMC and directions including business development in the north.


▲ Delegation of the Zhengzhou Government


▲ Delegation of the Luohe Government


Delegation of Zhengzhou Government

Visited Fehorizon’s Hong Kong Headquarters


On February 29, Director of Development and Reform Commission of Zhengzhou Mr. Xia Yang led the delegation of the Zhengzhou Government to visit the Hong Kong headquarters of Fehorizon. Mr. Xia highly recognized the “finance + industry” strategy and the internationalized resource integration and service abilities of Fehorizon, and particularly appreciated the ability to invest in Zhengzhou’s finance, infrastructure and industry sectors as well as the ability to provide customized services targeting the government’s pain points that were demonstrated by Fehorizon in the past. After making detailed introduction to the development course of Zhengzhou, its current economic development achievements and the vision for its future development with emphasis on its demographic structure, economic structure and key industries, Mr. Xia hoped that Fehorizon can continue to increase its input in Zhengzhou in aspects including financial services, industrial investment, fund investment, overseas business and investment invitation, and looked forward to the continuous deepening of cooperation between the two parties. 


Vice President Mr. Zhan gave a warm welcome to the party of Mr. Xia at the Hong Kong headquarters of Fehorizon, and introduced the development situation of the Company and its cooperation with Henan in business directions such as public utilities, industrial finance, infrastructure investment, new energy and equipment operation. Mr. Zhan indicated that, as a patriotic Hong Kong-invested enterprise, Fehorizon will start from serving urban upgrade and industrial upgrade, maximize its advantages of “marketization, internationalization and specialization” and give play to its professional competence of “finance + industry” to provide Zhengzhou with more comprehensive resources and more customized and individualized services, hoping that Fehorizon can be deeply involved in the development course of Zhengzhou, share its opportunities, and realize development with win-win cooperation.


Delegation of Luohe Government

Visited Fehorizon’s Hong Kong Headquarters


On February 28, Director of the Commerce Bureau of Luohe Mr. Wu Xiangjie led the delegation of the Luohe Government to visit the Hong Kong headquarters of Fehorizon. Surrounding Luohe’s advantageous industries including food, materials and salt chemical as well as its development vision, both parties carried out in-depth exchanges based on the advantages of Fehorizon’s “finance + industry” integrated services.


Director Mr. Wu Xiangjie thanked Fehorizon for its long-term contribution to the development of Luohe, and made detailed introduction to the basic situation of Luohe and its major state-owned and private enterprises based on Luohe’s advantageous industrial clusters and the future development vision, hoping that Fehorizon can further deepen its investment in and cooperation with Luohe, introduce even more quality resources into Luohe through financial services and industrial investment, and contribute to the development of Luohe continuously.


The party of Mr. Wu was warmly received by Vice President Mr. Zhan, who also introduced Fehorizon’s financial business and industrial operation in Luohe, and said that the Company will maximize its advantages of “marketization, internationalization and specialization” and take advantage of its globalized resources, to further deepen its cooperation with Luohe in financial services and industrial investment and generate more sparks between the two parties. 


As a Hong Kong-invested enterprise delving into the mainland, Fehorizon will uphold its strategic positioning of “Backed by Mainland, Based in Hong Kong, Influencing Southeast Asia,” persist in the “finance + industry” development mode, focus on serving real economy, and continue to give play to its unique advantages of “marketization, internationalization and specialization” to serve urban upgrade and industrial upgrade.