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[Monthly News] February Update: Fehorizon Convened Its 2023 Year-end Working Conference; Its ESG Ratings Hit New Highs
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01  Fehorizon Convened Its 2023 Year-end Working Conference


On February 2, Fehorizon’s 2023 year-end working conference of key positions was convened in Shanghai. Chairman of the Board of Directors, Executive Director and CEO of Fehorizon Kong Fanxing attended the conference and made a summary speech. With profit growth realized in 2023, CEO Kong required the entire staff to maintain the fighting spirit and a high moral, to strive ahead with a unified will and allow various business units to fight separately as independent armies. Meanwhile, CEO Kong called on the people of Fehorizon to concentrate the mind and gather strength to fight together and take big strides towards the goal of “building an excellent enterprise.”


02  Fehorizon’s CDP Rating Increased to B-


Recently, Fehorizon’s action on climate change once again received recognition from an international agency. Its score in CDP climate change rating has increased to B- (a leading level in China). CDP is a non-profit charity dedicated to disclosing global business environmental information. Since it has the richest and most comprehensive data on corporate and city actions, CDP is regarded as the gold standard for environmental report by the world economy. According to its plan, Fehorizon will join the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and release the first TCFD/ISSBS2 financial disclosure report related to climate change, to explore new paths for climate risk management in the industry.


03  Fehorizon’s S&P CSAESG Score Continued to Rise


Recently, the scores for the 2023 S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment were published. Fehorizon received a score of 41, which is improved by 23 points in three years and far ahead of the average level of diversified financial services and the capital market. In this assessment, Fehorizon got a full score (100 points) in Customer Relation Management; its scores in Risk and Crisis Management and Economic Performance were significantly improved; in addition, it received excellent results in other issues including Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Occupational Health and Safety and Human Capital Development. All in all, Fehorizon’s S&P CSAESG score exceeded 90% of its industry peers worldwide.


04  Fehorizon Received a Thank-you Letter from the Government and Head of Nansha Development Zone, Guangzhou


Before the Chinese New Year, Mr. Wu Yang (Deputy Secretary of the Administrative Committee, the Government and the Party Committee of Guangzhou Nansha Development Zone and Head of Nansha Development Zone) sent a thank-you letter to Fehorizon, to affirm the business performance of Fehorizon in Nansha in the first year and express sincere gratitude for the Company’s contribution to the economic and social development of Nansha in 2023. This year, Fehorizon will further deepen its partnership with Nansha, continue to give play to the advantages of its “marketized, internationalized and specialized” operations and serve real economy conscientiously, to promote the transformation and upgrading of the industrial structure of Guangdong Province and make positive contribution to the high-quality economic and social development of Nanshan Development Zone.


05  Fehorizon Received Recognition from Authorities in Document Management at National and Municipal Levels


Recently, Fehorizon received recognition from authorities in the field of document management at both national and municipal levels. A case submitted by International Far Eastern Leasing Co., Ltd. (“Fehorizon Leasing”) under Fehorizon was selected in the 2023 national enterprise archival work innovation case selection by the National Archives Administration, making it China’s first financial leasing company to receive this honor; also, Fehorizon Leasing was appraised as “Five-Star Archives Room of Shanghai” by the Archives Administration of Shanghai, and thus became the first non-public enterprise in Shanghai to be awarded with this title. Being highly recognized by two authorities in a row marks a new breakthrough and a new stage achieved by Fehorizon in document management.


06  Head of Shibei District of Qingdao Mr. Liu Xuexin Visited Fehorizon


On February 4, a party led by Mr. Liu Xuexin (Head of Shibei District, Qingdao City) inspected Fehorizon and talked with Mr. Zhan Jing (Vice President of Fehorizon) regarding issues including industry-finance cooperation and high-quality development of financial services. President Zhan Jing extended a warm welcome to the party of Mr. Liu Xuexin, and introduced how Fehorizon serves the urban upgrading of Qingdao and its future planning for industry-finance cooperation in details. Mr. Liu Xuexin thanked Fehorizon for its generous support in the past, and indicated that the two parties should keep deepening mutual trust, carry out multi-dimensional cooperation, and build an even closer partnership. 


In February, both our thinking and striving have yielded good results; in March, Fehorizon will continue to slash through the waves on the journey to excellence.



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