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World Environment Day ▏FAR EAST HORIZON is Committed to Caring for Nature!
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In case you didn't know, World Environment Day, also known as June 5th Environment Day, is celebrated every year on June 5, and this year marks the 50th anniversary of this "obscure" day.


This year, China set the theme of Environment Day as "Harmony between man and nature", aiming to further awaken the awareness of biodiversity conservation in the whole society, establish the concept of respecting nature, responding to nature and protecting nature, and build a beautiful home where man and nature live together in harmony.


(Theme of 2021 June 5 Environment Day : Harmonious coexistence between human and nature)


As a firm practitioner of green finance, FAR EAST HORIZON actively advocates the concept of green development and promotes the industry to develop in a greener, more regulated, efficient and sustainable direction through diversified financial support and innovative services.


On this year's Environment Day, FAR EAST people share with you some of our meaningful green actions in the past with a sense of reverence for nature, calling on everyone to protect the environment and live in harmony with nature together!


Actively address climate change


1. Invest in clean energy


Shanghai Hongzuo New Energy Co., Ltd. ("Hongzuo New Energy"), a subsidiary of FAR EAST HORIZON, carries out investment in long-cycle, high-quality new energy assets such as photovoltaic and energy storage to promote the rapid development of clean energy industry.


By the end of 2020, Hongzuo New Energy held 35 new energy projects with a total of 7951 MW, which is equivalent to providing clean electricity for the whole society with about 125 million kWh and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by about 3.763 million tons.


4.0 MW distributed photovoltaic power generation project of a wire rod company in Guangdong


Hongzuo New Energy utilizes 45,000 square meters of the roof of the plant of a wire rod company in Guangdong to build a 4.0 MW self-generation and surplus power grid project. The project can provide the rooftop owner with about 4.8 million degrees of clean electricity per year, reduce carbon dioxide by about 47.66 million tons, which is equivalent to saving about 1574 tons of standard coal, reducing about 144 tons of sulfur dioxide and 72 tons of nitrogen oxides.


(Aerial view of 4.0 MW distributed photovoltaic power generation project)


2.Investment in energy-saving projects


FAR EAST HORIZON actively provides financial support for public infrastructure construction, municipal services, operation services and other livelihood infrastructure energy-saving and emission reduction projects to promote the steady improvement of people's quality of life and the sustainable development of the national economy.


Taiyuan City Existing Residential Energy Efficiency Retrofit PPP Project


In 2020, Shanghai HORIZON Construction Investment Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of FAR EAST HORIZON, invested in the construction of the "Taiyuan Existing Residential Energy-saving Renovation PPP Project" to completely change the problems of cold penetration and non-energy-saving of the original walls in the community. The project involves more than 600 neighborhoods with more than 10 million square meters, benefiting 100,000 households and 300,000 people, and saving nearly 200,000 tons of coal every year.


(The appearance of the community is new after the transformation)


Fight the battle of pollution prevention and control


According to the national policy guidance of "reducing pollution, reducing carbon and increasing efficiency", enterprises in the chemical, refining and coal industries are facing high costs of green transformation such as relocation and renovation, technology upgrade and equipment replacement, etc. FAR EAST HORIZON is committed to actively meeting the personalized green financing needs of enterprises through abundant financial services. FAR EAST HORIZON is committed to actively meeting the individual green financing needs of enterprises through rich financial services.


Helping chemical enterprise groups in green transformation


As the world's largest independent coke producer and supplier, a group intends to invest in the construction of Caprolactam Phase II project in 2020 to extend the chemical industry chain. The project features high single-line capacity, high energy utilization, low raw material consumption and low pollutant emission, which is in line with the principle of green and low-carbon development. FAR EAST HORIZON provides financial services through leaseback products to fully support the green transformation of the chemical industry.


(The site of the group's Caprolactam II project)


Supporting the enhancement of water pollutant management capacity in Yangtze River Basin


In 2020, FAR EAST HORIZON supported the Wuhan East-West Lake project through financial services to support the improvement of municipal stormwater pipelines, enhance regional stormwater discharge standards, address urban black smelly water bodies, reduce the amount of sewage discharged directly into rivers and drains, and effectively contribute to the construction of a local sustainable city.


Before sewage treatment


After sewage treatment


Practicing Green Lifestyle


(FAR EAST HORIZON Square located on the Huangpu River in Shanghai)


FAR EAST HORIZON Plaza is the Shanghai headquarters office building of FAR EAST HORIZON, which is a century-old architectural masterpiece built by FAR EAST people under their own leadership. The building not only has a magnificent shape and won the National Quality Engineering Award, the highest prize in China's construction industry, but also shows FAR EAST's green, energy-saving and emission-reducing operation concept in the smallest detail--



2"CD-ROM Action" to eliminate food waste


FAR EAST HORIZON will continue to carry out the activity of "saving and eliminating waste" to eliminate waste in the canteen. In 2020, the HORIZON canteen achieved a 12% decrease in the amount of ingredients consumed per capita, a 9% decrease in the cost of rice, flour and oil, and a 35% decrease in food waste, with a total cost saving of nearly one million yuan.


(The company implements a daily monitoring mechanism)


3Hongwen School promotes the concept of environmental protection


In 2020, three students of FAR EAST HORIZON's Hongwen School Qingdao Campus won the Duke of Edinburgh International Award - Social Service Case Bronze Award for their environmental protection idea. According to the project plan, they launched a school-wide "Plastic Fantastic" initiative, in which they will collect 2,000 empty plastic bottles and build a small greenhouse on campus to grow organic vegetables, contributing to environmental protection and sustainable community development.


(Three young environmental ambassadors from Hong Wen School)


FAR EAST HORIZON is always taking action to care for nature. In the future, we will adhere to the strategy of "sustainable development", actively fulfill our social responsibility, integrate the concept of environmental protection into our business development, steadily develop green financial services, and make our due contribution to the national goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. At the same time, we call on the whole society to be a citizen of environmental protection and build a beautiful China with everlasting green mountains, everlasting green water and everlasting new air!