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Striving for Excellence and Perfection of Services Far Eastern Leasing Won the Title “Shanghai Demonstration Digital Archives”
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Recently, the International Far Eastern Leasing Co., Ltd. (Far Eastern Leasing) under Far East Horizon has successfully passed the “Shanghai Digital Archives” construction appraisal organized by the Shanghai Archives Bureau, and received its official approval to become the first non-public enterprise awarded the title of “Shanghai Demonstration Digital Archives” in Shanghai. 

On September 15, a panel of experts from the Shanghai Archives Bureau visited the Far East Horizon building for field investigation of, inquiry into and discussion on the construction of Far Eastern Leasing’s digital archives. The expert panel unanimously agreed that Far Eastern Leasing’s construction of digital archives is satisfactory in the aspects of infrastructure, application system, digital archival resources, security system and service performance, and conforms to the standards of digital archives construction. On September 20, he Shanghai Archives Bureau awarded the title of “Shanghai Demonstration Digital Archives” to Far Eastern Leasing. This honor represents recognition of Far Eastern Leasing’s achievements in digital archives construction, and more importantly affirmation of the Company’s delicacy management and high-quality services. 

△ Appraisal meeting 

△ Expert panel’s field investigation of archives room 

Construction of Digital Archives

Promoting the Digital Transformation of Archives Management

The Company has attached great importance to archives management work since as early as the construction planning of the Far East Horizon Plaza. It not only reserved more than 1800 square meters of storage space but also invested nearly 30 million yuan of expenditure into the management of various archives, thereby laying a foundation for the management of archives.

The Company’s archives for over 20 years since its relocation to Shanghai are stored in the archives room, totaling more than 90,000 volumes and 1.8 million documents. With continuous business development and increase in the size of archives, also to comply with the Company’s and China’s strategic arrangement for digital transformation, the construction of digital archives has become a path that must be taken to improve the quality and efficiency of the Company’s archives work and promote innovative development. 

In 2014, the Company launched its documentation system construction project, to serve business development with informatization tools and realize online management of all data entries. Through continuous optimization of functions including “reception, management, storage and use,” the Company has kept strengthening its digital management of archives in recent years.

Since this year, to further promote the transformation and upgrade of various processes and steps of archives work from traditional management work towards a professional, intelligent and modernized mode, Far Eastern Leasing has launched the digital archives construction project according to relevant national and industry standards and specifications on the basis of ample research and argumentation, established a digital achieves system on the Company’s internal network, and improved its archives management level and service efficiency. 

Nowadays, Far Eastern Leasing has realized accurate, efficient, standardized and orderly whole-process information management of digital achieves and digital copies including online reception and online archiving; meanwhile, it has been continuously promoting digitalization of existing archives and reached a digitalization rate of 70%, among which the digitalization rate of permanent files is 100%. 


Focusing on Clients

Continuing to Promote Secure and Standardized Document Management Capability

In business operation, Far Eastern Leasing abides by the policy of “whole process, all directions, multiple angles and no interruption” and conducts streamlined promoting, matrix management and professional operations of projects through due diligence, appraisal & review and evaluation & management before, during and after.

In this process, the management of customer and business files appears particularly important. It not only serves as the main basis for business personnel to promote projects, but also provides a solid foundation for the Company’s business risk management system, so as to ensure the exceptional quality and stability of operation.   


With security, standardization and reliability as the standards, the Company’s computer room is constructed referring to the “Code for Design of Electronic Information System Room,” which is equipped with security, monitoring, firefighting, and temperature & humidity control systems as well as network security facilities including firewall, vulnerability scanning, intrusion detection and security audit, to create a digital archives room for safe storage of files and convenient use by employees. 

-Application system 

The Company boosts marketing efficiency by thoroughly exploring the value of digital assets including marketing clues, integrates displayed archive information resources in the business system and implements an electronic signing system, to realize real-time online archiving, support business development efficiently and further promote digital transformation.

-Service Ability

Revolving around the service concept of “customer-oriented frontline and frontline-oriented middle and back ends,” the Company has implemented a channel for the use of various electronic archives based on the management features of nationwide layout and down-to-earth operation, to provide services 24 hours per day. Employees at the frontline can access archives anytime and anywhere, which speeds up clients’ due diligence and appraisal review, and makes clients actually feel the professionalism and efficiency of Far East Horizon’s services. 

Taking this as an opportunity, Far East Horizon will actively promote the orderly digitalization of archives management work throughout the Group, transform traditional archives into the Group’s data resource base, information asset base, knowledge base and culture base, further give play to the functions of archives management to empower business development, and continue to provide clients with secure, stable and efficient services, to create value and enjoy a bright future together!