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[Monthly News] April Update: Fehorizon Won Award for Special Economic Contribution for the 13th Consecutive Year; Release of 2023 ESG Report and Climate-related Disclosures Report
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01. Far East Horizon Leasing Won Award for Special Economic Contribution for the 13th Consecutive Year


On April 11, the commendation event for “2024 Enterprises with Special Economic Contribution” was held in Pudong New Area, Shanghai. Due to its sound and stable operations, International Far Eastern Leasing Co., Ltd., an enterprise affiliated to Fehorizon, won the Award for Special Economic Contribution for the 13th consecutive year. On the same day, Mr. Zhu Zhisong, member of the standing committee of the municipal Party committee of Shanghai and Secretary of the Party committee of Pudong New Area, awarded the prizes to the “Top 20 Enterprises with Special Economic Contribution.” Fehorizon’s Vice Preisdent Mr. Wang Shuisheng attended the event upon invitation, and accepted the prize on behalf of the Company.


02. Fehorizon Leasing Won Two Prizes of China’s First Annual Award of Financial Leasing Industry for Innovative Financing


Recently, the results of China’s first annual award of financial leasing industry for innovative financing (Gold Spring Award) were revealed in Shanghai. Fehorizon Leasing’s “2023 publicly issued corporate bonds for professional investors (Phase I) (sustainability-linked)” won the “2023 Innovative Finance Award for Best Service in the National Strategic Capital Market.” Furthermore, due to its continuous issuance of innovative financial products over the long term, Fehorizon Leasing won the “2023 Best Capital Market Promoter Award in the Financial Leasing Industry,” which fully affirms the Company’s efforts in contributing to the successful realization of China’s carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals, promoting the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, and supporting the innovation vitality and development momentum of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises through innovative financial products.


03. Successful Issuance of Fehorizon’s First $500 Million Dollar Bonds in 2024


Recently, Fehorizon successfully issued 500 million US dollars of three-year senior unsecured bonds. The issuance of dollar bonds this time marks the reappearance of the Company after three years. With a subscription multiple as high as 6 times and the active participation of over 200 high-quality investors from the international capital market, Fehorizon has set new records for the largest number of investors and the greatest scale of final order volume in the Chinese offshore bond market since this year; meanwhile, this issuance is one of the largest ones for the leasing industry in the Chinese offshore bond market since 2023.


04. Fehorizon Released Its 2023 ESG Report and Climate-related Disclosures Report


In 2023, Fehorizon persisted in driving development with innovation, adhered to the sustainable development idea of “creating shared value and promoting harmonious development,” and integrated environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into corporate management and business operations in an all-round way, to practice the sustainable development strategy with real actions in great depth and promote the healthy, sustainable, stable and harmonious development of the industrial economy as well as the entire society. In April, the Company successively released its 2023 sustainable development & ESG report and climate-related disclosures report, to comprehensively display its sustainable development highlights and key measures in coping with climate change.


05. Fehorizon Appointed as Expert for the Consultative Committee on Guangdong-Hong Kong Cooperation (Guangzhou Nansha)


Recently, the first work conference of the Consultative Committee on Guangdong-Hong Kong Cooperation (Guangzhou Nansha) (the “CCGHKC) in 2024 was convened in Nansha. Upon invitation, Fehorizon’s Vice President Mr. Xu Huibin attended the conference on behalf of the Company, and received an expert appointment letter from the financial cooperation working group of the CCGHKC. The event was also attended by Mr. Liang Zhenying, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC and adviser for the CCGHKC. In the future, focusing on “the needs of Hong Kong, the strengths of Nansha, the needs of Nansha and the capabilities of Hong Kong,” the Company will promote the creation of an important strategic platform based in the Greater Bay Area which coordinates Hong Kong and Macao and faces the world through joint efforts between Nanshan and Hong Kong, and make positive contribution to deepening the comprehensive cooperation between Guangdong and Hong Kong and strengthening the construction of the Greater Bay Area.


06. Far East Horizon Financial Leasing (Guangdong) Co., Ltd. Won the Hai Kuo Tian Gao Award of Nansha District, Guangzhou


Recently, Far East Horizon Financial Leasing (Guangdong) Co., Ltd. attended the Nansha Session of the 10th Guangzhou Annual Investment Conference China upon invitation and received the Hai Kuo Tian Gao Award. “Hai Kuo Tian Gao” means boundless sea and unlimited sky, and this award is meant to encourage key enterprises with great contribution to the regional economic development of Nansha District. In the future, through the “finance + industry” integrated business layout, Fehorizon will continue to give play to its differential advantages of “marketization, internationalization and specialization,” consolidate its root in the real economy, and contribute to the construction of Nansha District, Guangzhou into an international financial hub of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.


07. Leaders from Multiple Local Governments of Xinjiang, Hubei and Hunan, etc. Visited Fehorizon


In April, Fehorizon communicated and exchanged with the governments of Xinjiang, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan and Shandong. Delegations led by leaders including Sun Hongmei (Vice Chairman of the People’s Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region), Peng Huasong (member of the standing committee of the Party committee and Executive Deputy Mayor of Changsha), Fan Likui (Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Head of Wuchang District, Wuhan), Jing Bo (Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Head of Wuhou District, Chengdu) and Guo Kehua (member of the standing committee of the Party committee and deputy head of Linzi District, Zibo) visited the Company’s Hong Kong headquarters or the FEHORIZON Plaza in Shanghai. Ideas were exchanged regarding complementing each other with their respective resources and advantages and serving the high-quality development of regional economy, to further solidify the foundation for in-depth cooperation between the Company and the local government.


08. CDHORIZON Entered the List of Shanghai’s Key Listed Unicorn Companies


On April 23, the Release Conference of the “2024 List of Key Listed Unicorn Companies of Shanghai” & High-quality Development Industry Matchmaking Conference was held in Shanghai. Since its first release in 2023, this list has become the first list of key unicorns released by the government. At the conference, CDHORIZON entered the “2024 List of Key Listed Unicorn Companies of Shanghai” on account of its excellent long-term operating performance in the area of integrated equipment operation services and its established status as the industry benchmark.


09. FEHORIZON Conducted Cooperation and Exchange with Australian Group ICON


Recently, Mr. Ren Qizhi, President of China region of ICON (the largest provider of cancer care services in Australia), visited the FEHORIZON Plaza in Shanghai and talked with Mr. Li Jiancheng, Vice President of Fehorizon and General Manager of HCHORIZON. During the talk, they went deep into cooperation opportunities in areas including integration of international medical resources, cooperation on the diagnosis and treatment mode and cultivation of specialized talent, and exchanged ideas on matters such as promoting cooperation between China’s primary health care institutions with Australia in healthcare.


10. Opening of HCHORIZON Precision Medicine Diagnostic Center


On April 18, the opening ceremony of “HCHORIZON Precision Medicine Diagnostic Center” & Precision Medicine Forum was successfully convened in Shenyang. It was attended by Vice President of Fehorizon and General Manager of HCHORIZON Mr. Li Jiancheng as well as relevant leaders and experts from the Health Service Center of Liaoning Province, the Shenyang Municipal Health Commission and the China Medical University. The establishment of this Center is a comprehensive upgrade of the Shenyang Hongtai Pathological Diagnosis Center (a professional pathological diagnosis institution under HCHORIZON) in terms of scope of business and groups of people to whom it provides services. It has made up for the lack of precision medicine in pathological diagnosis and test at the Medical Examination Center of Liaoning Province, and will further contribute to the development of the pathology department and health services at medical institutions.


In April, we have witnessed a series of fresh successes and achievements; in May, Fehorizon shall keep slashing through the waves on the journey towards excellence.