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Chairman Lei Jie of the CPPCC Jinan Municipal Committee Visited Fehorizon
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On May 16, Chairman Lei Jie of the Jinan Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Deputy Mayor Li Guoxiang of Jinan, et al. visited the FEHORIZON Plaza in Shanghai, and talked with Fehorizon’s Vice President Zhan Jing about comprehensive strategic cooperation and matters including maximizing their respective advantages, promoting regional economic development and implementing investment in the healthcare industry.

During the meeting, Chairman Lei Jie made a comprehensive introduction to Jinan on three dimensions—its history, present and future. He pointed out that Jinan has a history of over a thousand years since Emperor Shun farmed in Mountain Li, and the city has an abundance of historical and cultural heritage. Today, under the leadership of municipal and provincial Party committees and governments, Jinan is striving to establish itself as a powerful industrial city and vigorously developing headquarters economy, to form the four leading industries including big data & and next-generation information technology, intelligent manufacturing & high-end equipment, high-quality steel & advanced materials, and biomedicine & big health. Besides, the presence of over 40 well-known colleges and universities such as Shandong University in Jinan offers an endless stream of talent to drive the future development of the city. Chairman Lei expressed hopes that Fehorizon can continuously increase its investment in Jinan in areas including financial services, industrial investment, big health, fund investment and investment attraction, and also looked forward to sustained cooperation between the two parties in great depth.

Deputy Mayor Li Guoxiang also hoped for intensive cooperation with Fehorizon. He pointed out that the development of Fehorizon as a Hong Kong-listed high-quality enterprise is highly consistent with that of Jinan, and the two parties should give play to their respective advantages, and speed up cooperation in business areas such as integration of industry and finance, big health and industrial investment. Deputy Mayor Li indicated that Jinan must be the blessed place for Fehorizon, and will definitely offer the best soil for its development.

Vice President Zhan Jing welcomed the party of Chairman Lei Jie and Deputy Mayor Li Guoxiang, and introduced the development situation of Fehorizon. Mr. Zhan pointed out that Fehorizon highly values its cooperation with Jinan, and its business layout in Jinan over the years has formed a sound foundation for cooperation. As a patriotic Hong Kong-invested enterprise, Fehorizon will persist in its “finance + industry” development strategy, give full play to its “marketization, internationalization and specialization” advantages, integrate domestic and overseas resources extensively, and provide Jinan with more comprehensive resources. Meanwhile, it was hoped that through this exchange, Fehorizon and Jinan can establish an all-round, in-depth and multi-dimensional partnership, go hand in hand to seek common development, and open a new chapter of their cooperation, so that Fehorizon can contribute its strength to the high-quality development of Jinan. 

Later, relevant personnel from Public Utilities Department I, CDHORIZON, HCHORIZON, Fehorizon AMC and Overseas Business Department respectively presented the Company’s business cooperation situation in Shandong Province and Jinan City to Chairman Lei and Deputy Mayor Li, and delivered a general report on comprehensively serving Jinan’s urban upgrade, industrial upgrade and investment attraction.

Others present at the meeting include: Zhi Liang (Secretary-General of the CPPCC Jinan Municipal Committee), Sun Changjian (Secretary of the Party working committee of Jinan Medical Center and Secretary of the Party committee of Huaiyin District), Zhang Ji (Director of the Management Committee of Jinan International Medical Center), Li Jianhua (Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Jinan International Medical Center and Chairman of Jinan Medical Development Co., Ltd.), Huang Bei (Secretary of the Party committee and Chairman of Jinan Industrial Development Investment Group), Bi Jingtao (Director of the Jinan Municipal Government Office in Shanghai), Zhou Xinbiao (Director of the Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiyin District) and others; Wang Zejun (General Manager of Public Utilities Department I of Fehorizon), He Qiang (Assistant General Manager of Public Utilities Department I), Xu Hao (Assistant General Manager of Overseas Business Department), and relevant personnel from CDHORIZON, HCHORIZON, Fehorizon AMC, Strategy Center and Business Development in the North.