Recruiting Talents

Talents Cultivation System

Advocating “Training is work” and “Learning for Oneself”, FEHORIZON has built a fully stratified talents cultivation system, which is based on the qualification requirements of various posts and levels and aims to elevate employee quality and proficiency, thus facilitating career development for all.

Talent Echelons
Diversified Training Methods
Comprehensive Training Resources

Three-dimensional Empowerment Training

  • Exclusive Academy covering multiple business areas

    Core popular courses classified and commended, covering multiple modules such as industry, operation, marketing, finance, management, innovative products, and career development.

  • Course supermarket collecting excellent courses

    With nearly 3,000 sets of well-crafted courses, employees can accurately search from multiple dimensions to meet their own needs.

  • Encyclopedia for professional knowledge

    Better understanding of financial, marketing and other professional knowledge through checking an interactive encyclopedia.

  • Far East E-Learning - Mobile easy learning

    Through the Far East E-learning official WeChat account, employees can make full use of fragmented time and study easily anytime and anywhere.